test Rebecca bot (messaging)

test Rebecca bot

Bot by Cisco Systems

test Rebecca bot

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Bot by Cisco Systems

Local Measure is a targeted location-based social media monitoring and engagement tool, allowing businesses to: Listen to what customers are posting on social media from business locations and venues, Engage directly with people on site at their business/branded events, Cut through the noise of keyword and hashtags to surface the posts that matter, Alert staff to relevant customer sentiment and influence in real-time The Cisco Spark integration allows users to view and send Local Measure alerts to designated Cisco Spark rooms, where front line teams can then click through and immediately respond to customers, escalate and manage situations on any device in real-time. This app is now orderable via Cisco Spark Ecosystem Sales Program.



Local Measure is a targeted location-based social media monitoring and engagement tool, allowing businesses to: Listen to what customers are posting on social media from business locations and venues, Engage directly with people on site at their business/branded events, Cut through the noise of keyword and hashtags to surface the posts that matter, Alert staff to relevant customer sentiment and influence in real-time The Cisco Spark integration allows users to view and send Local Measure alerts to designated Cisco Spark rooms, where front line teams can then click through and immediately respond to customers, escalate and manage situations on any device in real-time. This app is now orderable via Cisco Spark Ecosystem Sales Program.